Lactalis Canada is committed to supporting the well-being of people across Canada
With 140 years of brand heritage, Canadian dairy leader Lactalis Canada’s purpose is to enrich and nurture the lives of Canadians by not only producing high-quality dairy products but empowering communities across the country, including supporting youth mental health and well-being through its 35-year partnership with Kids Help Phone (KHP).
As a Founding Partner, Lactalis Canada has played a crucial role in building awareness of our service when we first launched in 1989. Then known as Ault Foods, the company included the Kids Help Phone logo and phone number on many of its popular milk and cheese products.
Over the years, Lactalis Canada has continued to raise awareness of Kids Help Phone while also generously supporting our mission through major sponsorships, donations and awareness by displaying the KHP logo and crisis line on many of its iconic dairy products including Astro, Beatrice, Cheestrings and Iögo.
The company has been a long-standing National Sponsor of the annual Walk so Kids Can Talk presented by BMO event. Lactalis Canada has also extensively engaged its employees in fundraising initiatives.
We’re deeply grateful to Lactalis Canada for more than three decades of this dedicated partnership and for continuing to support connecting young people in Canada to Kids Help Phone — when, where and how they need us most.
At Lactalis Canada, we champion our purpose of Enriching and Nurturing the Lives of Canadians with unwavering dedication every single day. Beyond our commitment to delivering high-quality nutritious products to Canadians, our pledge to Kids Help Phone aligns perfectly with our purpose and underscores our commitment to KHP in advancing youth mental health and well-being – a need that has reached unprecedented levels in this country.
— Mark Taylor, President & CEO at Lactalis Canada and member of the KHP Feel Out Loud Campaign Cabinet.