Order youth materials
Thank you for your interest in promoting Kids Help Phone’s service in your school, library, office or anywhere young people are. We’re happy to provide community groups, schools, organizations and other individuals like you with materials to raise awareness of our service among youth in Canada. We’re incredibly grateful for your support! Together, we can reach more young people who need support in every moment of crisis or need.
Free package:
Please fill out the request form below to order a free standard package of materials, which includes four posters, 72 wallet cards and 60 stickers. In order to send materials to everyone who requests them, we’re able to provide one free standard package per organization in a calendar year.
Additional packages:
If you’d like to request additional materials, please let us know in the “Special instructions” field below. Please note we’re kindly asking for donations to help offset the production and shipping costs of additional materials. A member of our team will be in touch to chat about a suggested amount.
Please note that orders take approximately three to four weeks to ship. If you have any special delivery instructions, please let us know using the “Special instructions” field below.
If you require digital resources for television screens or digital boards, please include a note in the “Special instructions” section of your order.