Here you’ll find a variety of youth materials to share on social media. You can use these materials to raise awareness with your network about Kids Help Phone’s programs and services.
You can tap on the social media icon below an image to share it to that platform. To share on Instagram, you can download an image and then upload it to your account. We’ll keep adding new images to share.
Below each image is a caption you can use when you share it (just copy and paste). You’re welcome to use the ones we provided, or feel free to come up with your own!
Register today for Brighter Days: An Indigenous Wellness Program supported by Sun Life for Indigenous youth ages 6 to 29:
Brighter Days sessions are great additions to summer camp programming for Indigenous youth age 6 to 29. Learn more about this virtual program at
Our Resources Around Me Tool includes thousands of resources for First Nations youth who are leaving care and young adults who have already left care
Indigenous youth can ask to be connected with a First Nations, Inuk or Métis crisis responder (if one’s
available) by messaging FIRSTNATIONS, INUIT or METIS to 686868. Learn more about how Kids Help Phone is here to
support Indigenous youth:
Kids Help Phone is here for you. No challenge is too big, no feeling is too small Call 1-800-668-6868 Youth can text 686868 Adults can text 741741
Does #mentalhealth feel like a confusing concept? It’s OK if you’re unsure what it means. We’re available 24/7 to offer support as you learn about and explore your mental health and what mental #wellness means to you. Text 686868 Call 1-800-668-6868
Whenever you’d like to talk, we’re here. Youth can text 686868 Adults can text 741741 Call 1-800-6868 press 3
It can sometimes take #courage to talk to someone about what’s on your mind. And it helps when others understand what life may be like for you. Did you know you can receive support in Plains Cree, by phone through an interpreter?
KHP is deeply committed to sharing continued supports for First Nations youth who are leaving care and young adults who have already left care. Our online portal provides mental health resources to First Nations youth and young adults:
KHP is deeply committed to sharing continued supports for First Nations youth who are leaving care and young adults who have already left care. Our online portal provides mental health resources to First Nations youth and young adults:
Volunteering in the Weaving Threads program is a highly impactful way to support the wellness of Indigenous youth. If you are a member of an Indigenous community, learn more by visiting:
Welcome to our Live Chat.
Live Chat is available from midnight until 7:00 a.m. You can always text CONNECT to 686868 to reach a trained volunteer Crisis Responder 24/7.
Get information about how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected and what you can do to care for your well-being. Learning about mental health can help empower you with the language to communicate how you’re feeling.
Practise with tools, tips and resources to help build your skills and improve your wellness in the way that feels best for you. Learn how to identify your strengths, communicate thoughts and feelings, overcome obstacles and connect with support.
Connect with other youth
Support forums & real-life stories
Explore lived experiences from other young people across Canada. Learn from real-life youth stories, gain new ideas and ask questions to connect and inspire your own wellness journey.
If you need help right now, you can talk to a trained volunteer crisis responder about anything you're going through. No issue is too big or too small.
If you identify as Indigenous, you can ask to be connected with a First Nations, Inuk or Métis crisis responder (if one’s available) by messaging FIRST NATIONS, INUIT or METIS to 686868.