Paving Paths: A Newcomer Engagement Program by Kids Help Phone
As part of New Journeys: Kids Help Phone’s Action Plan for Supporting Newcomer Youth we’re creating a Canada-wide network of volunteer Champions in newcomer communities to connect youth to resources and critical supports from Kids Help Phone and our partners.
A member of newcomer or ethno-cultural community, 15 years and older and passionate about mental health.
- Recommend community resources for Kids Help Phone’s Resources Around Me, an online database and navigation tool for mental health and wellbeing resources
- Promote Kids Help Phone’s programs, services and resources to community members
- Provide input on Kids Help Phone’s programs, services and outreach as required
- Represent your community in connecting to Kids Help Phone in times of crisis
- Support youth to utilize and engage with Kids Help Phone’s Peer-to-Peer online community
You can save and change the lives of young people
Thanks to our growing community, Kids Help Phone offers free, 24/7 e-mental health services to young people in Canada. Your generosity helps ensure that someone is always there when support is needed for any issue, big or small.