Media Statement Re: Fatal Van Attack in Toronto
Kids Help Phone – Media Statement Re: Fatal Van Attack in Toronto
- Our hearts are heavy today for those injured or killed, as well as for everyone impacted by the senseless tragedy that took place in Toronto. We share our deepest condolences to the families, friends and communities involved.
- These kinds of incidents are hard to understand and deal with, especially when they are so tragic and close to home. The short and long-term effects on young people can be challenging to cope with. It is important for young people to know they are not alone and that they can reach out for support.
- Kids Help Phone encourages those affected by the tragedy to reach out. Counsellors are available 24/7 at 1-800-668-6868 to provide support to young people in need.
Additional Key Messages:
- Kids Help Phone is always there for young people, especially in unprecedented situations such as this. This tragedy will cause tremendous emotional anguish, confusion and grief, not just for those with loved ones who have died or were injured in the tragedy but for young people from the same community, those who knew of the victims or suspect, or who have never experienced a tragedy before. All of them will be impacted and will need someone to turn to.
- Kids Help Phone counsellors are professionally trained and can help young people work through their grief and confusion; they are available 24/7 to provide support.
About Kids Help Phone:
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 national service offering professional counselling, information, referrals and volunteer-led text-based support (available nationwide by the end of 2018) for young people. Kids Help Phone’s free, anonymous services are available in both English and French. Kids Help Phone is a registered Canadian charity, and we raise the majority of our revenue from individuals, foundations, corporations, and community fundraising.
Media Contact:
Jayani Perera
Strategic Communications Consultant
[email protected]
(416) 272-2650
You can save and change the lives of young people
Thanks to our growing community, Kids Help Phone offers free, 24/7 e-mental health services to young people in Canada. Your generosity helps ensure that someone is always there when support is needed for any issue, big or small.