Share your message of encouragement with kids across Canada

Young people all across Canada are picking up their pens, pencils and markers to help each other. They’re reminding other kids they’re never alone by writing thoughtful letters of hope during the COVID-19 pandemic. What would you like to say to a kid right now? You can send kids a message of encouragement by filling […]

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Submit an Indigenous resource

Photo credit: Jenna Natomagan, Jenna Mae Photography Kids Help Phone’s resource database is used by our professional counsellors and volunteer Crisis Responders to refer young people across Canada to relevant programs and services in their communities. It also helps inform our Resources Around Me tool, which is publicly available. Mental health services, cultural activities, sports […]

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Indigenous outreach materials

Photo credit: Morgan Tinker Thank you for your interest in promoting Kids Help Phone’s services among Inuit, First Nations and Métis young people. We’re incredibly grateful for your support! Please fill out the request form to order a free package of Indigenous-specific materials including posters, wallet cards and an overview of our services. Please note […]

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Answer a kid’s distress signal

It’s not always obvious when a young person is struggling. But every kid deserves help when they need it. You can see their pain when no one else does. Will you answer a kid’s distress signal today? By making a gift today, you’re standing up for youth and showing them that they matter. You can […]

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Join our Indigenous Initiatives Network

The success of Finding Hope: Kids Help Phone’s Action Plan for Supporting First Nations, Métis and Inuit Young People depends on partnerships with Indigenous communities, organizations and people like you. We’d like to invite you to stay connected with us by joining our Indigenous Initiatives Network mailing list for updates on our Indigenous Engagement Program, […]

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Fostering hope: How to build resilience in youth

While some people may be more naturally hopeful than others, hopefulness isn’t just a matter of temperament. Like health, hope is affected by our context — our interpersonal, social, economic and political circumstances. What this means is that we can all help each other become more hopeful through our everyday interactions. Behind the idea of hope […]

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Why Kids Help Phone is showing up for Indigenous youth

Photo credit: Skylar Larnez Photography For over 30 years, Kids Help Phone has been showing up for young people. And we know that a growing number of the youth we serve — and aim to serve — are Indigenous. We want to continue to be there for all young people across Canada. That’s why we’ve […]

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Finding Hope: Indigenous Youth Action Plan

Kids Help Phone’s Indigenous Advisory Council has challenged us to achieve six ambitious goals through the implementation of Finding Hope: Kids Help Phone’s Action Plan for Supporting First Nations, Inuit and Métis Young People. These goals will be reached with the generous support of donors and partners between 2023 and 2026. Our Action Plan includes […]

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