Get Involved Pages
Pages (Organizational / Non-Service).
Donate Now
Thank you for helping me cope and help me with my situation. Lately I’ve been feeling down and you really helped me… — person contacting KHP Give their feelings a place to go. Join the movement. Are you ready to become a donor? Your gifts make a difference by helping more youth in Canada access […]
Press Conference
Kudoboard Embed Test
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Testing page
This is one copy after one heading. This is some text to follow the second heading. This is the text to follow the third heading. […]
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Weaving Threads volunteer reference form
The Indigenous Initiatives team at Kids Help Phone would like to thank you for providing a reference for an applicant to Weaving Threads: An Indigenous Engagement Program. Volunteers in the Weaving Threads program will choose from the following activities to support Indigenous youth in their communities: Applicants will not have access to your answers. If […]
YOU MATTER: Knowledge Centre Test
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Individual registration for Brighter Days: An Indigenous Wellness Program
Photo credit: Jenna Mae Photography Join a group of other Indigenous young people to explore skills, tools and resources to support your well-being! Brighter Days: An Indigenous Wellness Program is available to any First Nations, Inuit or Métis young person from six to 29 years old. It’s offered virtually, in video format. The program was […]
Group registration for Brighter Days: An Indigenous Wellness Program
Photo credit: Jenna Mae Photography Would you like to engage a group of five or more Indigenous youth (e.g. a class, community group, etc.) in Brighter Days: An Indigenous Wellness Program supported by Sun Life? You can use this page to learn more about the program and to register for a session. The program is […]