Give youth a safe place to connect
Kids, teens and young adults today face serious, real-life concerns some think of as only grown-up issues. And mental health plays a role in how we deal with each one, no matter how old we are. How we’re feeling can affect our happiness, our relationships and even our ability to excel on the basketball court. Like going for a daily run or shooting practice free throws, learning to care for our minds early in life can lay the foundation for wellness and success.
When young people reach out to Kids Help Phone, they’re being empowered to be the best versions of themselves. To go out in the world and do amazing things. To be leaders for change. We all struggle sometimes. But that struggle is only part of our stories.
Kids Help Phone is the ally to youth that many adults hoped for when they were growing up.
Today could have been a really bad day. You helped me take an overwhelming feeling and cope with it. This bad moment didn’t ruin my whole day or week, all because I talked to you. Being called brave made me sob. One word pushed away the feeling of inadequacy I’ve dealt with my whole life. I know to you it wasn’t a big deal. To me, it was life changing.
— Young person contacting Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French. Since 1989, Kids Help Phone’s innovation has saved lives. Our professional counsellors and trained, volunteer crisis responders are there for youth from coast to coast to coast. And you can help ensure mental health support is always available.
Explore Kids Help Phone’s innovative services…
Discover Kids Help Phone’s resources for caring adults…
Be an ally for youth mental health
The demand for our services – the number of kids reaching out – is growing. Especially now, as youth continue to navigate growing up in a pandemic, the need for 24/7 confidential support has never been greater.
So far, for 2021, Kids Help Phone has supported young people 3.76 million times. We envision a future where every young person in Canada will access the support they need, in the way they need it most, so that they’re never alone.

Check out Kids Help Phone’s opportunities to get involved and ways to become a donor today!
Thank you for being a part of our community of mental health allies.