Calling all young people, parents/caregivers, educators, youth workers and more!
Are you looking for ways to support mental health and well-being in your community? You can download Kids Help Phone’s mental health materials below to share information about youth issues and raise awareness of our free, confidential e-mental health services with the young people and adults in your network.
Click the images below to download our mental health materials!
Social media images
Share information about Kids Help Phone’s services with your friends, family and other followers using these social media images. Don’t forget to tag @KidsHelpPhone!
Square social media images
Rectangular social media images
Digital backgrounds and wallpapers
Keep Kids Help Phone’s contact info top of mind by using one of these computer backgrounds or mobile phone wallpapers. These images can be a helpful reminder that you’re never alone.
Computer background 1
Computer background 2
Computer background 3
Computer background 4
Other materials
You can also visit the pages below to order a package of free materials and find resources specific to Indigenous youth and newcomer youth.
For free mental health and promotional materials specific to post-secondary students in Ontario and Nova Scotia, you can visit Good2Talk.
Thank you for supporting mental health and well-being from coast to coast to coast!