Among the Caged Canaries

By: Angel
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The conductor’s words sang clear,
“The only way to grow is to stretch your spine so tall-
And let your voice ring through the music hall”
But how can one grow under the stage’s golden glare?

In buttoned-up tops that stifle and tug,
In tight, black shoes, laces tied neat and
With a trembling breath that sound failed to
Among a sea of caged canaries

In my quest for self, I became lost in the seams,
Of a borrowed uniform
Embroidered with another’s name
Embroidered with another’s dreams
Which only swallowed my frame

I yearned to be heard
I longed to be seen
Among a sea of caged canaries
I had to break free
With courage and conviction I soared,
No longer imprisoned by what came before.


Kids Help Phone (KHP) is honoured to share creative content submitted by youth from coast to coast to coast as they Feel Out Loud with us. We thank the Feel Out Loud Community Creator of this piece for their contribution to youth mental health and well-being in Canada. For more information on the Feel Out Loud Community Creator Space and / or how you can submit your own creative content for possible publication, you can visit the submission page.