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6 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day during COVID-19

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Celebrating Valentine’s Day during the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Valentine’s Day isn’t only about dating, chocolate and roses. February 14 is also a day to celebrate all of the loving relationships in your life, from yourself to friends to family. Here are some ways to enjoy yourself on February 14 this year:

1. Send virtual valentines

Whether you’re single or in a dating relationship, you can take part in Valentine’s Day celebrations. Sending virtual valentines (or fun memes or photos) to your friends, classmates, community members, siblings or co-workers can be a lot of fun and a great way to make someone feel good. You can also try making your own with craft supplies and send them through the mail.

2. Hang out with loved ones

Spend some time (following local health and safety guidelines) with your family, friends and anyone else you love to let them know how much you care about them. There are lots of ways to stay connected and spend time together during the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 14 can also be a great day to try reconnecting with an old friend. Consider reaching out to someone you’d like to get in touch with again by phone, email or social media.

3. Focus on yourself

Like any other day, February 14 can be a good time to practise self-acceptance, work on your self-esteem and think about being more hopeful. You can make a list of the things you’re good at, what you’re most proud of so far and what your goals are. Doing these activities can help you improve your relationship with yourself and create intentional space to be kind to yourself!

4. Treat yourself

Is there a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than practising self-care? Here’s some inspiration to get you thinking about how you’d like to treat yourself during the coronavirus disease outbreak:

  • watch your favourite movie or TV show
  • read a good book
  • take a bubble bath
  • shop (following local health and safety guidelines) for something you’ve been saving for
  • indulge in your favourite food
  • try journaling
  • paint or draw
  • dance to your favourite music
  • spend time in nature

5. Remember, it’s just another day

Everyone has different opinions on (and preferred ways to spend) Valentine’s Day. Some people are more into celebrating it than others. It may help you to remember that February 14 is just another 24 hours that will come and go. You don’t have to participate in the festivities if you don’t want to — it’s OK to maintain your regular routine as if it’s any other day.

6. Get support

If you’re feeling down on Valentine’s Day (or any other day of the year), it’s important to get support. Talking about things can help — you can reach out to a friend, relative, Elder, counsellor, teacher or anyone else you trust. You can also contact Kids Help Phone to talk about what’s going on for you.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about dating relationships. Celebrating the other loving relationships in your life, especially the one with yourself, is a great way to spend February 14.

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